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Server Maintenance: Germany |
Posted by: Snapman - 04-09-2021, 01:10 PM - Forum: News & Announcements
- Replies (1)
Possible hardware issues with the Germany based server, in the process of resolving that issue. Backing up all the pertinent data before issuing a support ticket with the host provider, will post an update with any changes to the situation.
Rollback of BD Servers to 12/12/2020 |
Posted by: Eternalll - 12-14-2020, 01:01 AM - Forum: Community Worklogs
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Even though Base Defense servers see low traffic average, I feel it is necessary to log this.
An error was made when consolidating disks for backup storage by accidentally removing a vmdk file necessary for boot. I am pulling backups from a day ago so hopefully nobody was playing yesterday. The server will return to a state mid-day yesterday in terms of function and data. I will edit this when the datastore recovery is complete.
Edit** Complete
Community Update 1/23 |
Posted by: Snapman - 01-23-2019, 08:25 PM - Forum: News & Announcements
- Replies (1)
Another year passes us by, and what a year it was. We now ready ourselves for 2019, and all the surprises & drama it might bring.
Now as the holidays pass us, having slept & worked off all the goodies we've enjoyed during the season, we begin work on bringing our little network up to date.
Within the next month, we will be celebrating our 4th year in the gaming scene. I would like to personally thank all those who have contributed towards our little project. It wouldn't have been possible without your support.
Apologies for the downtime with our US northwest location, the issues have been resolved. Game servers for the location are in-process of being restored, should be up & running in no time.
Stay tuned for updates as we work out the finer details. Ciao.
Community Update 7/13 |
Posted by: Snapman - 07-13-2018, 09:39 PM - Forum: News & Announcements
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Greetings Community.
ModRiot staff are currently in the midst of transferring game servers from our old E.U Server box onto new hardware as of 7-12. We apologize for any interruptions this may cause whilst we perform this action. So please be advised here is a list of the new game server addresses.
Quote:No More Room In Hell
ModRiot.com NMRiH Germany #1 |Vanilla| ~
ModRiot.com NMRiH Germany #2 |Modded| ~
ModRiot.com NMRiH Germany #3 |Gunmenu + UltdAmmo + Respawn| ~
ModRiot.com NMRiH Germany #4 |Gunmenu + UltdAmmo + Respawn| ~
ModRiot.com NMRiH Germany #5 |Vanilla/Dodgeball| ~
[EU]ModRiot.com | Wiped 02.7.18 | Solo/Duo/Trio [no decay] ~
Brainbread 2
[OFFICIAL] BrainBread 2 Germany #1 | ModRiot.com ~
[OFFICIAL] BrainBread 2 Germany #2 | ModRiot.com ~
Sven Co-op
ModRiot.com Vanilla SvenCoop 5.16 [EU] ~
ModRiot.com PVP SvenCoop 5.16 [EU] ~
ModRiot.com XPMod SvenCoop 5.16 [EU] ~
ModRiot.com Anti-Rush SvenCoop 5.16 [EU] ~
ModRiot.com Anti-Rush and Hardcore SvenCoop 5.16 [EU] ~
Counter-Strike 1.6.
ModRiot.com CS 1.6 [EU] ~
Half-life 1 ~ Mods.
[EU] ModRiot.com Base Defense #1 ~
[EU] ModRiot.com Base Defense #2 ~
[EU] ModRiot.com Base Defense #3 ~
[EU] ModRiot.com Base Defense Private ~
[EU] ModRiot.com Gangwars 1.47 ~
Wish to thank the community for supporting the cause. For any information, feedback, or issues please contact us by visiting our:
ModRiot.com Discord https://discord.gg/jPcZxCt
ModRiotGaming Staff
Rust Vanilla Changelog 03/07/2018 |
Posted by: Spoob - 07-02-2018, 10:35 PM - Forum: Community Worklogs
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- Changed server.description:
"Last wipe: 07/02 \n
Next wipe: Forced \n
Map wipes every week. \n
Full wipes every 2 weeks. \n
Decay is off. \n
World size: 2500 \n
Discord: discord.gg/DVTvThd \n
Rules: \n
1.No cheating \n
2.Max group is 3 in house and outside(offline and online) \n
3.Allies are allowed only to prevent fighting outside of raids,battles,etc. \n
4.No switching groups to exploit group limit \n
5.No teaming up with other groups \n
6.Respect other players \n
7.Use English in chat \n
Breaking any of these rules will result in a ban."
(added new lines for ease of reading, if using this on server, keep the entire server description in 1 line)
- Wiped map, kept blueprints, next wipe is forced (July 5th)
- Server.seed: "53675"
World at War Multiplayer Changelog 6/1/18 |
Posted by: Eternalll - 06-01-2018, 10:10 PM - Forum: Community Worklogs
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+ Enabled perks
+ Increased map time to 15mins
- Removed Seelow from map rotation
- Removed Airfield from map rotation
- Removed Outskirts from map rotation
- Removed Downfall from map rotation
+ Increased score limit to 1500
+ Added Battery to map rotation
+ Added Corrosion to map rotation
+ Added Nightfire to map rotation
+ Added Makin Day to map rotation
+ Added Sub Pens to map rotation
Don't have the game? Check it out here https://store.steampowered.com/app/10090...ld_at_War/