
Full Version: TFC Europe: Server Changelog
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26-Jun-15 Update:
Added a custom weapon 'Thompson' that can be purchased at the cost of 10 frags by typing !buytommygun in the main chat

23-Jun-15 Update:
Bots now have a map-individual config file to ensure that they do not load on unsupported maps (for example conc maps and maps without waypoints)
Added a custom map managing plugin in which players can use "nominate [mapname]" as well as "rockthevote"
Added map r123 due to request
Added map 2fortsniper
Added various fun based maps (conc for example)
Blocked the concussion effect that occurs when a player is impacted by a conc grenade (it's annoying, gives me motion sickness and the plugin is useful for concmaps)
Added various admin plugins
Added a plugin that automatically detects if a player is stuck and attempts to unstuck them with great accuracy