I think I am going to try to play through whole HL1 campaign with classic mode+classic weapons... I am not sure if I can handle it without the scxpm lol
An updated number of maps has been made on all of the Sven Coop servers. Map cycle rotation has changed, and some maps may not work right. If there are any problems, please report them somewhere in the Sven Coop forum on this site. I don't really want to add many maps because it increases chances of server or client crashing, but everyone wants more maps so they have been added. Only a few maps have been tested thoroughly that I know of.
I really hope I can solve this problem with entities clipping on my map,for some weird reason, the zombie entity representating They Hunger doesn't clip, he just... teleports forth and back to the ground
We will be having more maps in the mapcycle and mapvote very soon...Some extra adjusting made need to be made for the scxpm servers, but all the regular servers should have them all working just fine I hope. I will be configuring mapcycle files later today.
http://scmapdb.com/map:uss-darkstar-co-op It looks like this is the fixed version "New archive with env_beams fixed (ripent) as they would cause horrible lag in multiplayer" And this is the version that is on some servers currently
Mr. Robot, I have suspected that those "beams" cause more problems than just about anything else I can think of. I believe it is one of the main reasons behind SZ_GetSpace client crash and SVC_Bad errors (?)
I hope Penguin fixes his problem. I am curious what hardware specs are for his machines, and what graphics settings are being used. I needed to tweak my graphics and CPU settings just to get the game to run better.
Well, I reinstalled the game 3 times on both machines, played with default settings(except the graphics because yes lol). verified integrity twice on each reinstall, and it still persists. I also just tried on another machine and it keeps the same.
It is probably the most popular map series we have currently...I don't understand why it is so popular but it is. There is a chance it is early in the map cycle and when servers crash (if they crash) it goes to that map sooner. Which servers are you referring to specifically? I know the EU SCXPM server plays it all the time lol
I figured out how to use the old weapons in the HL Campaign series, and it may work for other maps as well. The old mp5 sounds much better to my ears lol..
Penguin what did u do to your settings to make it crash all the time?? Is it crashing for everyone or just penguin? I have no problem with the menu myself..
If I get to have my Old Comuter back up by purchasing the correct MOBO, I'll move to help Snapman with the Garry's mod server, if Sven Co-op keeps crumbling like this.
I told Helmet I did not need a staff application mainly because Helmet has a challenging time speaking / writing / reading English. I trust Helmet enough because Blonde has recommended Helmet to become a moderator and part of ModRiot. I have been getting to know Blonde since he joined, and I am trusting his judgement. I did mention to Blonde and Helmet that is very helpful to us to have applications for many reasons, but I told them that they were not required to do so. It would be nice if he did make a formal application, but I talked with Helmet and Blonde personally about it and was satisfied with our conversation. It is helpful to Snapman and I especially for keeping track of people's abilities and positions they apply for by organizing with staff applications. But this does not mean that everyone is required to do so. We appreciate it and encourage it, but some exceptions can be made in some cases where a personal conversation or recommendation is sufficient. If I feel it is absolutely necessary, I will ask Helmet to make an application lol..
LOL good one...but uh... it may not even be the case that breaking Metamod will happen. It seems pretty important though. Who knows... I am hoping a magical mistake happens and it keeps working forever
The modified ripent version of toonrun3 map with Walter at 5HP is now on all of the servers with SCXPM. Enjoy not having a limitation of xp gain on this map I hope this does not cause any problems. When Mr. Smith and I tested it together, there were no problems. If it does cause any problems, please report the problems in as much detail as possible. There is a modified version of svencoop2 I plan on adding soon also.
I am going to put the edited version of toonrun3 on the public servers soon. Only the members-only server has had the edited version running. We tested it and it didn't have any problems, so it will be put on the public servers soon. If there are any problems, things will go back to the original settings.
I request we discuss these matters privately in the Staff forum rather than publicly on this shoutbox please... The motives of game developers will always be a mystery unless they tell us openly
There's a small bug in the /hats2 command. I don't know if it's only me affected by it. Whenever I choose a hat that says "Cap. America Shield" it gives me a barrel instead. Etc. The things maybe not arranged?
I have yet to figure out how to save hats lol... I am not so sure it is possible in a reasonable amount of time for me to accomplish that..We do have a MySQL version of Hats that might work, but the code needs to be designed to save a player's preference and load upon joining.
@DarkZBrine The hats don't disappear when changing map, we used to have random hats before the egg hunt competition. Now you need to have hat access and use the /hats and /hats2 command to be able to select hats.
lol Credit Mod is going to be fun... The Jump Module (Bunny Hop), Multi-Jump, Wall Climb, and Stealth already work... I will be adding on some of the other features already available if it is desirable or possible to do with SCXPM. I think I might actually integrate both SCXPM + Credit Mod to make the coding process easier with making both SCXPM and Credits Mod function together the best...They may be better separate though.. We will see soon
http://modriot.com/showthread.php?tid=462 credits mod...A testing version is running on the members-only server, if you are curious to see it. I just lowered the amount of credits needed for my customization of the "Stealth" feature
Today I will be busy with doctor appointments and working on Credits Mod. I am doing a total revision of the code to implement AMXx CVAR system into Credits Mod. Right now, all the variables are hard-coded defines. It will be fun once this is over, and there will be no need to recompile the Credits Mod plugin every time a change needs to be made to adjust settings...No need to recompile = winning
Some features have been added/changed on the Members Only Sven Coop server. If you wish to check them out, you are more than welcome to (as long as you are a member on this forum). Some of the features may only be available to admins or "VIPs". I will provide a list of features added somewhere publicly accessible on this forum soon. There is already information in the Exclusive Server forum here: http://modriot.com/showthread.php?tid=46...871#pid871 . A modified version of toonrun3 is currently running on that server, and Walter only has 5 HP!
I can't finish clicker game at this rate lol...unless I let my computer sit for like a whole day. I just finished custom coding more of what is going to be added on to the Sven Coop servers. I think this will add a lot more on to the game. We will see, hopefully sometime this week...There is enough ready to test, but it is still incomplete. I will announce any changes made to the servers, if and when changes are made. If you want to get a "sneak-peek", I will be loading everything I am adding onto the Member's Only server, as always, before making changes to the public servers.
Yea the clicker is still going. I haven't fainted yet. Need more upgrades. I think I am using the old version? This has been a good laugh, especially the comments about the different upgrades.
Yeah that clicker game is pretty funny..it is nice to laugh at for a change lol... It does get pretty hectic at times...especially when Sven Coop update is released by 2 times in 1 week
Rune Mod has been added to all the Counter-Strike servers. SCXPM on the Counter-Strike servers has been updated to the same version that is running on Sven Coop. CSDM is no longer FFA on the Europe location, and is configured for Team Deathmatch now. Rune Mod + SCXPM + CS + CSDM = interesting combination haha
The HL1 Modifications section is in Alphabetical order. I think Snapman organized it that way. It would probably confuse me for a while to move things out of order lol. More sections may be added to that area, and keeping it in alphabetical order is helpful to me.
If there's no way to make the penguin to be picked as an item and put in the back, it could be changed into the uzi. And the player will be forced to keep the uzi
The event could work like this:There is a penguin hidden around the map, the players must get it and protect until the map is won, the carries wins 2 points and every other players 1 point, if the carrier dies, the penguin drops from his back
Anyway, Sven Coop servers will be changing quite a bit in the next couple weeks. We can and will add on as many things as possible. Currently working on custom user models (may not be possible?) and more plugins. Ideas for features on sven coop servers can be organized here: http://modriot.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=31
He is American and the Seattle servers are not linked into any database other than the Seattle database... I don't know how you assume that he is a German lol Don't worry the competition will be over in about 2 hours...
Kind of close to a true story it sounds like.. I just finished adding on hats to some of the maps in Brainbread, and they are currently disabled on maps that went over precache limit. To use the hats menus, you must bind your number keys "slot6" through "slot10" (6, 7, 8, 9 , 0 on keyboard). I also removed the eggs on some of the maps I consider to be more laggy than others. It didn't help much, but I don't want it to be any worse lol. The eggs take up a considerable amount of resources to exist in maps, so it is no wonder why removing the eggs increases server performances in all cases. They may be removed for the "Night of the Living Bread" event this weekend. It is up to Jonnyboy if he wants to keep the eggs and hats on the server during the event. Sometime after Easter, all the eggs will be removed from all of the servers. Something will replace the current server configuration and will feature more items eventually, but the eggs will no longer be spawning before maps start.
Yes The team power skill changed, but everything else should be working as it should. Team power will be ineffective unless there is a human team-mate who also has team power. I tried to get bots to work with SCXPM and it appears to cause problems with loading skills. Bots currently will not gain experience or have any skills. I forgot to update the monster xp and it is updated now.
ok news to people who didnt know the monsters that spawn randomly didnt give xp but now they are getting the xp values added into the servers and the minor problem with the hp and armor on CS is fixed
I looked into "Crack Life" and read it had problems, or else I would have tried it already lol... It appears someone needs to fix the maps or map files..
It seems to be coming along. There should be some new user title features sometime today after I get some sleep. Robot, we would need to do that if it was going to be added. It would take some configuration though, and I don't quite know if we can get it to work with our current database. It seems like a neat idea but might take some time to get the eclip skill working. I am not so sure if I can even do it lol I need to think about it...
The Team Power part of the code has been updated. Try it out. It now only works when a team mate is nearby, and armor distribution is currently disabled. This is just the test code I added yesterday. We can change it however we wish. I will be posting a copy of my version of SCXPM once I clean up all the code and add on Counter-Strike support properly.
I am working on the user titles.. It is on the list of things I am working on. I need to talk with Snapman about it first and then I will start messing around with the settings.
You can hold the USE key which might help some. The egg entity only registers as an entity on the ground, so you need to aim exactly towards the bottom of the egg in the right spot for it to work. I haven't found out how to change this yet. I have tried changing entities that I create it from as well as the "velocity" code to no avail. I will keep trying but am probably only going to be able to get so far lol. It works better with brainbread mod though. By using the "bb_objective_item" entity, it registers a different area space for the entity. It is quite interesting lol
haha Sorry about that...this is a little bit more challenging than I thought it would be. It works for Brainbread and Sven Coop, but CS isn't being so helpful... I was hoping to get this all done by now lol
Yes I added more names for the bots. I am adding the ability to "grab" the eggs pressing the "USE" key for the eggs that are in places out of reach. It is a stretch, but I have managed to get it to work We will see how well it works now...I will need to remove this feature if it causes any problems.
SheppardK, you should have access to /hats and /hats2 commands, and I added 4 medals. I think I need to add your 10 levels in game, though. We can do that soon if you want
hello i noticed my steam ID was 4th place on the Seattle servers of modriot i gotta say i did have some competition getting hundreds of eggs takes hours of work to put in but its pretty well worth it gotta love the server also the bots are tight on difficulty level kinda challenging but not as hard thanks for the awesome server!
Yeah, but we need to test the maps first. Mr. Smith and I will probably test it sometime today if he is around. Hazard course mod? New to me Have you seen it on other Sven Coop 5.0 servers?