[Murder] Make Your Own Power Rounds - Snapman - 02-21-2016
Listed at the bottom of this post are all the available values you can use to build your own power round scheme.
Listed here is an example of the PR 'Mice and Cat' - https://i.gyazo.com/bcdebc1f15cce4f5f5658673873358e4.png
Listed here is an example of the PR 'RPG Madness & Free For All' - https://i.gyazo.com/f50d802573adc0a6b246e91818b5e5da.png
Listed here is an example of the PR 'Low Gravity & Slow Motion' - https://i.gyazo.com/f1cc3ec9edc2ef42003b3ff3f299442e.png
Listed here is an example of the PR 'Cat and Mice' - https://i.gyazo.com/46d393a7a6ce5a55866d358a20e54fed.png
Listed here is an example of the PR 'OP Murderer' - https://i.gyazo.com/f3bb878bd3b63af756c3be68010d44a7.png
We will select more popular well constructed PowerRounds onto the Murder server.
Quote:--[[ All possible values for a power round
Name = "Any Text", --Any text, will be the power rounds name {Default: ""}
Gamemode = "Any", --Which gamemode should this Power ROund be for {Default: "Any"} Can be one of these: "TTT", "Murder", "Any"
NameClr = Color(255,255,255,255), --Color that the Name will appear on round start {Default: Color(255,255,255,255) | white color}
Description = "Any Text", --Any text, will be the power rounds description {Default: ""}
DescriptionClr = Color(1,255,255,255), --Color that the Description will appear on round start {Default: Color(255,255,255,255) | white color}
ServerStartWait = 10, --Time that the server should wait before running ServerStart function {Default: 0 | No waiting}
WinTeamCondition = function(Ply) return Ply:Alive() end, --Function that will run for every player playing when the round ends {Default: if player is alive} [Values: Ply = player] (Return: true = winner, false = not winner)
ServerStart = function() end, --Function that will run when round starts {Default: empty function} (Runs once)
ServerEnd = function(Winners, Losers) end, --Function that will run once when round ends {Default: empty function} [Values: Winners = table of this rounds winners, Losers = table of this rounds losers]
PlayersStart = function(Ply) end, --Function that will run for every player playing when round starts {Default: empty function} [Values: Ply = player]
PlayersEnd = function(Ply) end, --Function that will run for every player playing when round ends {Default: empty function} [Values: Ply = player]
PlayerDeath = function(Ply, Attacker) end, --Function that will run when a person dies {Default: empty function} [Values: Ply = killed player, Attacker = killer] (Return: true = will stop things like: Punishment for teamkill)
DoPlayerDeath = function(Ply, Attacker, DMGInfo) end, --Function that will run when a person dies {Default: empty function} [Values: Ply = killed player, Attacker = killer, DMGInfo = damage info] (Return: true = will not create a ragdoll or add deaths)
PlayerUpdate = function(Ply, *Attacker*) end, --**Attacker is only returned on player update that involves death** Function that will run when a person dies, goes spectator or disconnects {Default: empty function} [Values: Ply = player, Attacker = killer]
CustomRoundEnd = false, --Will the round end in a custom way {Default: false} !!!If you set this to true, remember to have code that will end the round!!!
Think = function() end, --Run on every think hook {Default: empty function}
PlayerCanPickupWeapon = function(Ply, Ent) end, --Function that will run when a person gets a gun {Default: empty function} [Values: Ply = player, Ent = weapon] (Return: true = will let picking up, false = will not)
PlayerShouldTakeDamage = function(Ply, Ent) end, --Function that will run when a person gets hurt {Default: empty function} [Values: Ply = player, Ent = player that hurt] (Return: true = will take damage, false = will not)
ScalePlayerDamage = function(Ply, HitGroup, DMGInfo) end, --Function that will run when a person gets hurt {Default: empty function} [Values: Ply = player, HitGroup = where the person was hit, DMGInfo = damage info] (Return: Edited DMGInfo)
BlockKarma = false, --{TTT only}If true no karma will be lost or gained if you kill that round, if false you will loose or gain karma from kills. {Default: false}
BlockScore = false, --{TTT only}If true no score will be lost or gained if you kill that round, if false you will loose or gain score from kills. {Default: false}
TTTPlayerSpeed = function(Ply) end, --Function that will run whenever TTT needs to knowp players speed {Default: empty function} [Values: Ply = player] (Return: multiplier number)
HUDPaint = function() end, --{Client only, of course }Function that can be used for drawing stuff on screen {Default: empty function} (Runs in the HUDPaint hook while the round is going)