~ Sven Co-op Reports Summary (25/6/2016) ~ - Daybreaker - 06-25-2016
Greets all
This post is mostly information or a things-to-do list involving an round up of matters that have been requested or reported by the player community and moderation staff across our social media channels.
Sven Co-op reported issues:
- (Sc_defmap_v2) Unfortunately this map has been causing issues recently on our Xpmod servers with a bug involving the maps built in no xpmod requirements and other prevention's the map creator used as safeguards. The problem mostly regards area dealing with anything over 100 hp script protection It seems random players currently use the portable med-kit to over heal a person in the early stages of the map before plugins can load causing the map to end e.t.c.
Originally this map was stable and working fine thanks to Swampdog a whiles ago but I am guessing somethings changed recently server side to cause the issue and will be hopefully be fixed soon.
- (Sven Co-Op Svc_bad) This is a well known regular problem and complaint from everyone who is effected by it given with the rumors and drama from the Sven Coop team hopefully will be releasing a update patch something in the future that solves it soon among other things.
Please could staff while playing on our servers kindly remind or inform the players with facts on this matter and if they ever encounter this issue where players receiving the errors are under the misconception that staff are kicking them or are to blame be respectfully treated or dealt with thanks.
(Map Requests & ModRiot Sven Co-op Test Server.)
- Recently staff and community members have been requesting new maps or scripts to be added to our servers to extend the current map library and other entertainment experiences. Please understand that recently that a recreational decision was made a whiles back to allow mental energies to be recharged in preparations for the improvement or damages repairs from the upcoming Sven Co-op patch after already a long solid effect last couple of weeks to update the current servers, maps, scripts and plugins such as Xp mod to stable current state from all the past feed back given to the head staff last month.
- In recent days some people may of noticed we have a new a dedicated server box thanks to snapman this may lead possibility of reintroducing hosting a new ModRiot Sven Co-op Testing server to allow for testings maps and misc content by our members before they are introduced to the main stream servers in the future. Also could people start requesting or making posts in addition to what they like to see which maps, plugins, mods e.t.c then to be tested wise .. it helps to compile a reference list thanks.
- Currently this server box is is going though it random test phases in addition to a hosting Sven co-op server a supporting as a thank you to the bonus of arrival Tremplar (Official Sven Co-op Map Maker) for allowing us help private & public testing with his content and maps for this has been great and enjoyable experience to have thus far. If possible for all those people have tried his latest works or attended these server sessions please provide any feed back for him as posts on this these forums or his official social commutation channels thank you.
Sven Co-op Trail and Moderator reports.
- (Daybreaker) I have recently applied internally to both heads of staff Snapman and Swampdog of ModRiotGaming to be given the opportunity to become an administer for our Sven co-op staff and servers, my recent decision to apply was based on currently I have a lot more of free time available to better invest into helping out with the ModrRiot team. I have been more than happy with position traditionally as a moderator but due to recently activities, drama and growth of our Sven Co-op Community I felt this was good time step up and better assist swampdog and you guys more.
- (Spare Chicken) has informed us hes having some issues regarding limited access with his moderation account on our Sven Co-op servers mostly AMX related.
Hopefully this issue will get fixed Asap.
- Mr Oats has informed us he would like the opportunity to resume his past Sven co-op moderation duties.
This matter will be discussed and a conclusion made Asap.
- (J-M) I would like to take this opportunity to welcome J-M as trial mod to our humble ModRiot Sven Co-op team and wish all the best luck with his trials.
If I have missed anything else recently please feel to update this thread or post separately with your activities and suggestions thanks you.
Marc Jones Aka Dabreaker.
RE: Thread Modes ~ Sven Co-op Reports Summary (25/6/2016) ~ - MrOats - 06-25-2016
Hope all is well in the hospital man. Thanks for taking time to post this information! Welcome J-M, I hope you enjoy your time here, add me on Steam too! 
Hopefully in the next few Sven Updates Angelscript will become a better tool to mod Sven, hopefully better than AMX someday. Soon as that happens, I am going to working hard on developing plugins/mods for servers sometime.
Thanks for the hard work, team!