Usage: banid < minutes > < userid | uniqueid > { kick }
Use 0 minutes for permanent
Obtaining the steamid or userid of a player can be done by typing "status" in the console.
So for example if i wanted to kick/permaban STEAM_0:0:124 from a server, this is what i would type in console:
Now if you wish to use the ban system built into brainbread 2, you will need to be added to the servers admin file. Once completed, you will be able to access all the admin commands from console by typing admin_. Doing so will list the 5 admin commands below.
Use 0 minutes for permanent
Obtaining the steamid or userid of a player can be done by typing "status" in the console.
So for example if i wanted to kick/permaban STEAM_0:0:124 from a server, this is what i would type in console:
status <-- Getting the players ID
rcon_password ****** <-- Logging into rcon
rcon banid 0 STEAM_0:0:124 kick <-- Permaban placed along with immediate kick
Now if you wish to use the ban system built into brainbread 2, you will need to be added to the servers admin file. Once completed, you will be able to access all the admin commands from console by typing admin_. Doing so will list the 5 admin commands below.