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Community Update 6/14
Its Wednesday, June 14th and here is the news:

Work on the Garrys Mod front continues. We've launched 2 additional servers for the gamemodes Murder & Breach. The ClonewarsRP's beta opening has been going better than expected. All but 1 of the battalions CO openings have been filled, with atleast half of the staff also filled. We're still accepting moderator & gamemaker applications. You can find the application templates @ https://modriot.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=55. Updates are to continue as we aim to perfect the RP experience. Community input is always appreciated, so make sure to leave any suggestions you might have @ https://modriot.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=49.

As for Sven-Coop, troubleshooting continues as we try to find a balance with the faulty code provided by its devs. The entire Sven community is waiting, breath held with anticipation, for the next update which will hopefully clear out some of the numerous bugs currently affecting the game's server code. For something more on the brighter side, we welcome Tequila to the MR Sven team.

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Community Update 6/14 - by Snapman - 06-14-2017, 03:08 PM

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ModRiotGaming is a multi modification based gaming community offering servers of all sorts customized by community input. We dedicated ourselves towards providing a drama/stress-free gaming experierce for all fellow gamers while hosting the classic half-life 1 based mods we all grew up on worldwide.