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Closed Beta Major Update, 22 December, 2015
  • Changed Elimination to be one huge match where you fight until one of the team has been wiped out X times, or you reach Y fraglimit or the timelimit runs out and the team with the highest score wins.
  • In elimination you can no longer become infected, and you can respawn if there's still people left in your team. The respawn time increases with your team size.
  • Added a new HUD for elimination mode which displays the score of your team and the enemy team, pluss a team special bar which will fill up as your team gain kills. Once the bar is full it will
    give the entire team a random skill perk which will be a benefit for the team, this effect will only last for a certain amount of seconds. (can be controlled by the server owner)
  • Enabled closecaptions in multiplayer, sv_caption_distance will make sure that you don't get notified of all the captions in the entire map.
  • The game will force cc_lang to english until we add translations.
  • Added a new hint message system, mappers can use game_tip to send keybinding hints, warnings, tips, info and defend messages to all the players or players within a distance from the game_tip entity.
  • Mappers can now use logic_objective for zombies alone, you can now setup unique objectives for the zombie team! (the zombies gain 5 points on completing any objective given)
  • Added a tutorial mode and map to show off and introduce new players to BrainBread 2! You can start the tutorial by clicking on Play then Tutorial.
  • Removed a brass ejection feature which would cause a lot of server load and would lag the server whenever someone would connect.
  • Added a new soundscript system, now it is much easier to make your own soundsets for any npc or player in the game.
  • Fixed the Military and Bandits sharing the same questions towards each other.
  • Added a voice command menu for the humans.
  • You can now close the skill menus with the key you opened them with.
  • Fixed issues related to the player animations, viewmodel and movement. The viewmodel would randomly shake and twitch, as well as the player model. And you'd get randomly stuck, especially when wearing armor...
  • Fixed reload issues with sawed off and remington when you activate the gunslinger and magazine refill skill.
  • Mappers can now use logic_objective to scale its kill count and time left by the amount of players in the game, you can also set the scale factor per player.
  • Added random messages in the quit/disconnect window.
  • Added the new soundset for the Bandits and you can choose between the soundsets in Options->Other.
  • Fixed some bugged/missing sounds for Fred and the Soldiers.
  • You now set the player model depending on what model is linked to the bb2_survivor_choice convar.
  • The Sawed Off no longer has double shot on secondary attack, it'll now fire one barrel on left and the other on right like in old BB.
  • Fixed the bug which would spawn the player with fullbright on if you clicked the flashlight button when you were dead + a zombie.
  • Updated the Steam Group link @mainmenu to point to the official group.
  • You can now see how many players are active in a team when you're in the team menu.
  • The death notices will now display further down while spectating.
  • Soldier NPCs will no longer fire off particle tracers and they have a 30% chance to fire normal muzzle flashes.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented devs and testers from using the dev reset command.
  • Fixed the high latency issue.
  • Mappers will now have to use npc_military_static if you want to use a non moving military npc.
  • Zombies will no longer prioritize doors over enemies.
  • Fixed a bug in the logic_player_equip which didn't switch to the best weapon you were equipped with.
  • You will no longer get any XP from killing zombies when you're infected. (You will however get xp from achievements and team wins, etc...)
  • Decreased the amount of points gained by killing bandits and militaries when you're a zombie.
  • Fixed a bug which would reset the escaped zombie state when you chose to respawn as a zombie after escaping, this would lead to that you were able to spawn as a human.
  • Improved the bounding boxes on the weapons in order to make them easier to pickup.
  • Updated PvP damage values and Zombie Player vs NPC damages.
  • Survivors can hold +use on unlocked doors / locked doors (not doors locked on spawn) to change their locked state.
  • NPCs should no longer spam different sounds.
  • You'll now receive a notification when you've been infected...
  • Fixed a bug which didn't give zombie players or human players any increased kills when you killed Military/Bandit npcs.
  • Fixed a bug which allowed Humans to gain XP from Bandits when the round wasn't started.
  • Fixed up hitboxes on the NPCs and the zombie player model.
  • Other minor and major stability and performance fixes!

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Closed Beta Major Update, 22 December, 2015 - by Snapman - 12-22-2015, 02:55 PM

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