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Forum Rules
The following is a list of all ModRiotGaming forum site rules, effective as of January 15, 2016. If there are any questions pertaining to the rules below, feel free to contact Snapman  with your questions.

General Guidelines
  • ModRiot Gaming is a gaming community aimed at providing content for gamers of all ages. With that in mind, users are prohibited from posted borderline content in the context of, but not limited to: extreme vulgarity, hatespeech, sexists overtones and any other explicit and/or illegal content (pornography or drug use)
  • ModRiot Gaming is primarily an English speaking community, so we require that all posts be made in English unless posting within another languages dedicated sub-forum
  • Users impersonation of ModRiot Gaming staff in any shape or forum will not be tolerated at any time. If you need help dealing with a problematic user, please contact a staff member.
  • The rules listed here are not subject to debate or interpretation. Failure to follow these rules will result in your forum and/or server account being banned either temporarily or permanently.
  • Specific forums on ModRiot Gaming may have their own sub-set of rules. Please be sure to read all sticky threads to ensure that you're following all rules and regulations.
  • You are allowed only one ModRiot Gaming account and users with multiple accounts will run the risk of all associated accounts being deleted. If you have a special reason for having multiple accounts, please be sure to contact Snapman with your request.

Posting Guidelines
  • Be respectful to other members of ModRiot Gaming at all times.
  • Place your threads in the correct forums and if you're unsure then please reach out to a staff member.
  • The content of your thread, post, profile comment or private message must not contain any of the following:     
    • Flamming, trolling or disrespectful language
    • Sexual harrassment
    • Uninformed responses (short responses like "lol" or a single emoticon)
    • Begging for users to like or rate your content
    • Advertising of any kind for anything at all
    • Racism or any other form of hate crime
    • Selling, trading or advertising illegal content of any kind
    • Nudity, pornography or explicit content
  • Posting any personal information, impersonating another user, selling personal or confidential information will not be permitted. This extends to private messages as well.
  • Bumping your own topic will not be permitted. Allow users time to respond.
  • Necro-posting in which you're reviving a VERY old thread will not be tolerated. Your post will be deleted and warnings given.
  • Try to avoid double-posting where you can. We understand that lag can cause this at times, so if you accidently double-post, simply report the second post and someone will assist.
  • Stay on topic and avoid derailing the discussion. Those found to be disruptive will be banned from the thread.

Spam Guidelines
  • Advertising of any kind is not allowed in any public area on ModRiot Gaming. This includes threads, posts, private messages, profile comments, status messages, signatures and any other public facing vehicle provided by ModRiot Gaming.
  • Excessive posting to increase your post count will be deemed spam and result in the removal of your account.
  • Short posting will be considered spam as well and recommend you avoid doing the following:
    • Posting short responses like "lol", "haha", "+1", etc.      
    • Posting meme images as your sole response.    
    • Use of emoticons as your reply with no context.
  • Posting the same thread topic over and over will also be considered spam. This will result int he content being removed and your potential suspension from the forum.

Avatar, Profile & Signature Guidelines
  • Avatars will be automatically limited in size and must meet the specifications outlined when uploading.
    • Avatars that break any of the above guidelines will be removed and result in your account being banned.
  • Signatures may contain only 1 image and must not link anywhere. Attempting to overwrite these settings will result in your account being banned.
  • Users are prohibited from using any custom title or username that makes it seem as if you're staff.
Responsibilities Guidelines
  • You remain solely responsible for the content of your posted messages and actions. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of this website, any related websites, its staff, and its subsidiaries.
  • Upon registration grants automatic agreement to these forum guidelines, and all other guidelines in sub-sections.
  • Although rules are subject to change, members will be notified after changes have taken place. Such changes will be announced in the Community News section, and is everyone responsibility to check for updates. Changes are effective immediately.
  • ModRiot Gaming is not liable for any scams, selling, or trading made off the site. Any back-door transactions and activity are done at the risk of all members, and we may not take action on any situation if brought to our attention. If you are scammed on the site, please ensure you have liable details and proof, and then proceed with a ticket in the Support Center, in which we will try to assist in any attempt to resolve the issue depending on the situation. Punishment will be decided depending on the outcome.
  • Members who attempt to post personal information about themselves do so at their own risks. This includes websites, e-mails, instant message account names, addresses, phone numbers, and so forth. Any member who takes it upon themselves to post information of another member because of personal vendettas or other are subject to removal.

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Forum Rules - by Snapman - 01-14-2016, 11:45 AM

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ModRiotGaming is a multi modification based gaming community offering servers of all sorts customized by community input. We dedicated ourselves towards providing a drama/stress-free gaming experierce for all fellow gamers while hosting the classic half-life 1 based mods we all grew up on worldwide.