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Free Epic Game - Gonner
Sale ends 3/12/2020 at 8:00 AM

Art in Heart
Raw Fury
Release Date
Oct 12, 2016

You will die. A lot. This is by design, but it's not made to feel unfair. You'll eventually get the hang of GoNNER, so don't lose your head. But even if you do it's okay cause we have a lot of replacement heads you can use.
DAILY CHALLENGES! Only playable once a day. Levels are randomly generated but in this mode everybody plays the same world and use an identical loadout. Everything resets at midnight (Swedish time, UTC+1). Can you crush your leaderboard foes?
PROCEDURALLY GENERATED Every time you play the game the levels will be different and present unique challenges and opportunities.
UNLOCKS! You'll be able to choose from a variety of passive and active abilities at the beginning of each run so be sure to experiment with all of them and find the play style that best suits you
SECRETS! Secret areas exist in the world of GoNNER, and these areas will get you different items that you can then always use from the beginning of each run. We're not going to tell you how you get to these areas or what the criteria is for even finding them because secrets, duh.
LEADERBOARDS! Kill creatures, get combos, score points, and brag to your friends how much better you are than them.
MUSIC! It's really freaking good.
Good luck.

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Free Epic Game - Gonner - by Snapman - 03-05-2020, 04:44 PM

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