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Bip's complaint - Sven Coop servers
yes you sure couldnt do the map without me.. you people have no idea what kind of people you have on this server.. everyone xp farms and i sure as hell did not see anything about not doing it.. and if i remember this correctly.. i was not the only one hitting the turrets.. the fact that im the one who gets banned is beyond me..i have probably spent way more time on this server than you kaze and i have seen some fucked up people ruining everything for everyone.. and here you are now with admin rights.. this world needs to burn. i sure as fuck do not deserve a fucking ban you disgusting unlogical ego tripped nerds

can i get unbanned now? since you know.. there are people that actually deserve a ban wich i do not

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Messages In This Thread
Bip's complaint - Sven Coop servers - by Bip - 03-25-2016, 03:02 PM
RE: Bip's complaint - Sven Coop servers - by Kaze - 03-27-2016, 06:22 AM

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