Sven Co-op
Sub Forums:
Important Threads
- SCXPM Source Code + Server & Map Configurations Release (14 Replies)
- "SCXPM" Server Maps (1 Reply)
- "Vanilla" (no Metamod) Servers Maps (1 Reply)
- Skills Info (SCXPM Version 17.31.35 "ModRiot Edition") (0 Replies)
- ModDB & Download Links (0 Replies)
- Question about Fun/Silly maps SVEN server. (1 Reply)
- Sven Co-op Update Released [Build 3735813 / Release 5.20] (0 Replies)
- 20 years of Sven Co-op! -- Sven Co-op Update Released [Build 3482406] (0 Replies)
- Anti-Rush and Hardcore Server by Changelog 6/26/18 (0 Replies)
- Anti-Rush and Hardcore Server by Changelog 5/28/18 (0 Replies)
- Sven XP Bugged Map List (0 Replies)
- skipping on hl_c13_a2 (Anti-Rush and Hardcore Server) (1 Reply)
- Anti-Rush and Hardcore Server by Changelog 4/11/18 (0 Replies)
- [US] Anti-Rush and Hardcore Server by Changelog 4/10/18 (0 Replies)
- [EU] Anti-Rush and Hardcore Server by Changelog 4/10/18 (0 Replies)
- Custom Spray - Hogg (0 Replies)
- Sven COOP .Mod riot server ..Not working (1 Reply)
- [LAUNCH] US Antirush/Hardcore Server (0 Replies)
- Rockthevote is broken (3 Replies)
- Did something happen to the SCXPM servers? Was one taken offline? (4 Replies)
- Skillpoint Bug: (1 Reply)
- Svencoop Videos: (2 Replies)
- Should we increase skill, health, damage of enemies on our servers? (21 Replies)
- "Bugged maps" Thread: (4 Replies)
- Server Maplist (Work in Progress) (7 Replies)